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Showing posts from September, 2018

A New Start.

A Step I should have taken LONG ago... -JustBeyond Hi To all who are reading this entry, Today, I am leaving my Procrastination behind and stepping on the journey of Weight loss transformation. Looking at so many of the people before and after, I have finally and successfully saw what was causing me to be like that. It was me. So bye bye . Chips, chocolate, and all those junks. So, starting March 2018, I started my exercise and started a little too minimal portion control and lost 7 kg of weight with 2 inches less from all sides. But this didn’t happen in 1, 2 or 3 months. But, this took 7 months. So, with proper exercise but improper diet, I lost 7 kgs In 7 months. Which I thought was amazing. But, when you are an 82 kg person and you need to get to a goal of 55-60kg. This is not a good figure at all. 2 inches less doesn’t even show. But then again, a little portion control did help me achieve this much and I was thankful. So, when half of September is now gone, I woke